
Not everybody likes iPod shuffle

Look at this (in Spanish).

The translation:

On sale a tampon that plays MP3

99 dollars per 512 mb is a cheat. Per 99 euro is crazy, but Apple's new toy will surely be sold as should not.

I liked this comment:

It is a clear very intelligent marketing strategy from Apple people...

(Skeptic) consumer: a flash player without a screen? What rubbish is that? Per the same price I'd buy an unknown brand with a screen (and batteries).

(sympathetic) Apple engineer: *ejem*... sorry...

(amused) consumer: mmm, yes?

(more sympathetic) Apple engineer: don't you know the technical edge that iPod *shuffle* means?

(more amused) consumer: technical edge?

Engineer: ...*shuffle*! At Apple we always make revolutions! We made a round wheel, and now we did it again! We made a screen-less player... Knowing it!

(much more amused) consumer: knowing it??

(marketing mode) engineer: iPod *shuffle*! You know (singing the TV ad) Which one will be the next song? Can it read my mind? Will it know my mood today? ;)

(Dazed) consumer: so... I will never know which song will be next! Oh, my God!

(victorious) engineer: That's it! Isn't it wonderful? And, look at the back, it has...

(surprised) consumer: An Apple! Good lord! I can't wait anymore, I'll take it!

(rubbing his hands) engineer: hehe, I guessed you would liked it, muahahaha