
Ebay sellers on strike

Tells it us Noticiasdot.com:

eBay Spain sellers on strike

Main sellers of the most popular auctions site on internet decided to declare themselves on strike to show their anger because of the big problems they face: lack of promotion, cheat prevention, false products sale... The strike is planned to last until the next 31st of december, bur some of the sellers are thinking about to leave the site definitely and offer their productos in other platforms.

They are upset, it can be read at the forums that group the sellers that go on with this strike, because eBay is more popular because of the cheats that is into than because of the chance to get good products at great price. They are angry too because they believe eBay does not take enough measures to stop these problems and start a campaign of promotion in mass media to make the standard user go to eBay to buy.

And the have started the first known online strike against a website.

The answer of eBay was fast, said the strike promoters, blocking accounts and access of the strike promoters not to let them retire the products they have on sale.

This is one of the messages that can be read at the forums of those vendors and that shows the anger that took them to take this hard measure:

Why is eBay Spain going down?

It is because there is a null spending on promotion on mass media. eBay Spain is only known by a few users that surf the internet. If you ask any person if knows what's eBay, most people has no ******* idea. If people does not know it exists... how on hell are they going to enter the site and register to buy? Having into account the fear that most Spanish people has to buying in internet, because the scarce number of internet connections or lack of the process to buy online, if the auctions website does not let it be known constantly on TV, journals, magazines... ¿how do they want the website to have a huge amount of visitors and potential buyers? [...]

Translation by madogdidit, article found at Noticiasdot

A pair of forums to be up to date of the strike:

