It is terrible, currently, anybody has to show that is not a Microsoft taliban.
And, to show I am not, I tried to use Suse Linux 9.2 LiveDVD, a present from PCWORLD Magazine.
It had no risk, it is an ISO image, just burn it into a DVD and boot it from the DVD, so I said, why not try?
Well, my first experience as a Linux user was frustrating, after ten minutes booting (I had fate still, thinking: well, it is the first boot, so may be normal and so on) it stopped. I pressed ESC to have more information and I see that does not recognises my PCMCIA wi-fi card, a D-Link AirPlus 650.
Well, the decision was hart to take: Linux or internet, wasn't it? This message is the answer...
I may try again in a future, I like the Suse pet, but not enough to come back to lan wire instead of wi-fi